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Car care, save money!

Breakdowns are an inconvenience that can disrupt days out, a business trips or holidays and so on.

Looking after your car

If you are someone who relies on a vehicle for business, or simply to get to or from work, a breakdown is more than just an inconvenience, it means lost business or wages for the time that the vehicle is off the road, inconvenience for customers and a host of other problems.

Imagine a breakdown during or just before a holiday, especially if you are travelling abroad! Or a breakdown ten minutes before your pupil was due to take a driving test…

The best way to avoid problems with breakdowns is to plan not to break down.

Good drivers do this by carrying out daily and weekly vehicle checks and by having their cars serviced at the regular intervals recommended by the manufacturer.

To help you get into the habit of carrying out the checks listed in this section, this programme provides you with some simple vehicle check projects, the first of which is included below.

The projects include daily and weekly car checks and ‘discovery sessions’ where you will learn a bit more about your vehicle – learning some ‘basics’ will also help when it comes to ‘car sympathy’.

From a fuel saving point of view, poor maintenance = poor economy.

What does your car cost you?

Ways to lower car costs

In the current economic climate you might be wondering what, if anything, you can do to increase the money coming in, but it pays just as well to look at how to cut back on household costs.

Most people tend to be lazy when it comes to seeking out the best deals so here’s a quick cheatsheet to cutting down on one of the most money-guzzling objects you’ll ever buy – a car.

1) Fuel costs are paramount, and with the cost of gas going up, so make sure you check out what different garages are charging. There is a difference of 13p per litre between the cheapest and most expensive unleaded petrol prices (according to – that equates to a saving of over £10 every 80 litres, which will mount up over time…

2) Watch how you drive – keeping a steady speed uses less equivalent petrol than a stop-start journey over the same distance. Also, it’s worth keeping to speed limits, and not just because you won’t be breaking the law. A driver who goes at 85mph will use 25% more fuel over the same distance as someone who keeps to 70mph. Not only are you less likely to have an accident (and hence keep down expensive insurance costs) but you’ll be saving on fuel as well. When 50 AA employees took part in an eco-driving experiment with Auto Express magazine they saved an average 10% on their weekly fuel bills, with the best achieving an incredible 33% saving.

3) Compare, compare, compare for insurance quotes. Sites like and are a great starting point. Alternatively you can go directly to individual providers’ sites to see what premium they’ll quote.

Remember though, that the make and model of your car, your driving history, annual mileage and even small things like the colour of your car will make a difference to your premiums – a metallic colour car will cost more to repaint if there’s damage to the bodywork, hence your premiums will be slightly more expensive to reflect this.

So, bear these points in mind and you’ll soon have saved enough to upgrade to that sports car you’ve always wanted!

Speed doesn’t kill… Impact kills.

Wise up!

An aeroplane full of passengers is safe at 400mph in the air but if it hits the ground at that speed -everyone dies. This is why planes slow down before the runway, and make sure that the runway is clear before landing – to avoid impact. At the other end of the speed scale, a car driver who hits a toddler while reversing at 3mph in a driveway could kill.

It’s not the speed, it’s the impact! As a safe driver you will reduce the risk to yourself and others by reducing the risk of impact.

Doubling your speed quadruples the momentum – a Northern Ireland road safety advert that was banned in the rest of the UK had the tag line – the faster the speed, the bigger the mess – only watch the video on the right if you have a strong constitution.

There’s nothing wrong with speed – it often gets you there quicker on fast roads and it can be fun but…

The problem is with inappropriate speed.

By all means, go a bit quicker on the safe bits of open road*, if you can be sure that it’s clear and will remain clear* BUT slow down in towns – your average journey time will be the same, you will be more relaxed, and the kids on the street will enjoy more birthdays!

*Be aware that more people die on rural roads… See this info from RoSPA.

If you must kill something – kill your speed in town.

  • Hit by a car at 20 mph, 3% of pedestrians will be killed – 97% will survive
  • Hit by a car at 35 mph, 50% of pedestrians will be killed – 50% will survive
  • Hit by a car at 40 mph, 90% of pedestrians will be killed – 10% will survive
  • Hit by a car at 50 mph, greater than 99% of pedestrians will be killed – fewer than 1% will survive

A Utopian solution?

One solution would be to have no speed limits at all. However, limits are necessary to protect pedestrians, drivers who might be old or inexperienced, plus of course ignorant and stupid drivers. I like to drive fast, but I choose to live in, and enjoy the benefits of a collective society (the Western World). In this context, how can I justify my right to kill myself by driving too fast? Some poor bastard will have to scrape me up!

There are thousands of speed traps. We each invent our own. For many, this is a fact of driving life… Just this once or I’ll be late… If I can just pass this idiot in front… You know what yours are. All I suggest is that you become more aware of them. If you think you don’t need this advice you could find that going too fast is dead easy.

It’s your prerogative to agree or disagree with the views about speeding that are expressed here. But PLEASE REMEMBER, whoever you are and whatever you drive – that it’s not only high speed that kills… Any speed can kill.

The ‘I never drive fast in town’ trap

The ‘I never drive fast in town’ trap

What is fast? 5mph can kill. This brings us back to the ‘Speed Kills’ trap.

Many towns now have 20mph zones. You obviously don’t want to run over a child, but at 20mph there is a good chance that he will survive if you do (and more chance that you will avoid him!). At 35mph he will probably die.

Town and city journeys are often short. An extra 10mph will make virtually no difference to your journey time, although you might get to the next red light a bit quicker!

Low Speed Limit Trap…..Form a pressure group…

The ‘The speed limits are too low’ trap

This might be a good point – I’ve often driven on roads that seem to be OK for 40 or 50mph but which are restricted to 30mph. But…

Unless you know the history of a particular area, and are an expert in making sense of such data, how do you know the limit is too low. Where is your evidence?

Being a good driver doesn’t make you psychic – the road cloud be a major accident black spot.

If you are local and you know a limit is unreasonable – gather some data, form a pressure group and fight to get it changed.

There have been cases where the accident rate has been cut when a higher limit has been imposed.

Many drivers (and their passengers) are killed in single car accidents on clear roads.

The ‘It’s a clear road’ trap

Changes to road design in towns, on major routes and motorways have helped reduce the casualty rate, however, other roads have not seen the same level of accident reduction.

Have you ever seen a horse or a cow that has been hit by a car? Or the resultant wreckage that the driver is cut out from? There is nothing wrong with driving fast on a truly clear road, but such roads are rarely found in the UK (perhaps if you lived in Montana!).

Empty motorways can have debris on the road surface from burst truck tyres, etc. Not much of a problem at 70mph, but dangerous at 100. Country roads are rarely clear, stray animals, mud, farm vehicles, damaged surfaces, water, and ice.

Many drivers (and their passengers) are killed in single car accidents on clear roads. By all means drive fast if that is what you want to do – but do it in an intelligent way.

Any moron can end up in a field!

Primary safety is what you do … it doesn’t matter how safe your car is – It’s not idiot proof!

The ‘I’ve got a safe car’ trap

Most vehicles, especially at the top of the range, have design capabilities far in excess of the average driver’s skill, however, this does not mean that they are safe, simply that they are safer – the driver can still panic and hit things.

When you hit things in a ‘safe’ car the secondary safety features will protect you to a degree, but what about other road users? The people you crash into? Volvo’s are amongst the safest cars on the road but the driver of the one in the picture was killed after it spun through air and smashed into an first floor flat – his nine year old son, a passenger survived, but his life won’t be the same without his dad.

Secondary safety is the vehicles built in safety – crumple zones, collapsible steering columns, air bags, etc. Secondary safety might save you – as it saved the nine year old in this crash with just cuts and bruises – but a car’s safety features can’t protect you from the mental scars and post accident stress which lives with some people for a lifetime.

And… Although cars are made out of modern, impact absorbing materials, kids on bikes are still made out of what they always were, good old skin and bone with a few soft internal bits – and they don’t have built in air-bags.

Primary safety is what you do …

It doesn’t matter how safe your car is – It’s not idiot proof!

The ‘good driver’ trap installs beliefs that cause people to think they are infallible.

The ‘I’m a good driver’ trap

Some of the worst ‘speeding’ I’ve seen has been by drivers of cars sporting regalia from ‘better driving’ organisations – Advanced Drivers! Information made available in 2007 showed that 1000’s of UK police drivers were caught by speed cameras – some of these highly trained drivers crashed. Safety is not just about driving skill; it’s more to do with driving attitude.

The ‘good driver’ trap installs beliefs that cause people to think they are infallible. But the problem is that impact kills good drivers too.

Advanced driver training courses will often teach ‘expert’ handling skills, the ability to ‘balance’ the car and reduce the risk of skidding, to smooth out gear changes, to brake on the ‘threshold’ thus gaining the maximum stopping effect, etcetera. But these skills are only safe when used in a safe environment.

It’s possible that you are a good driver – perhaps the best – but the problem is you are sharing the road with a whole load of lesser skilled drivers. If you drive too fast, you might be able to stop – but will they?

Take you good driving skills to a racetrack and enjoy a few real adrenalin packed laps in an appropriate environment.

Police survey

Northumbrian Safety Camera Partnership has published a list of some the excuses offered by drivers who have been caught by their speed cameras. They said that people for some reason believe that they will be excused their fine if their behaviour is explained by a wild story. They have compiled a list of their favourite excuses.

  • I passed out after seeing flashing lights, which I believed to be UFO’s in the distance. The flash of the camera brought me round from my trance.
  • I was in the airport’s flight path and I believe the camera was triggered by a jet overhead, not my car.
  • I had a severe bout of diarrhoea and had to speed to a public toilet.
  • There was a strong wind behind my car that pushed me over the limit.
  • I had to rush my dying hamster to the vet
  • I did not see the camera
  • My friend had just chopped his fingers off and I was rushing the fingers to hospital.
  • The vibrations from the surfboard I had on the roof rack set off the camera.
  • There was a suspected case of foot and mouth and I had to rush to see the cow concerned.
  • A violent sneeze caused a chain reaction where my foot pushed down harder on the accelerator.
  • The only way I could demonstrate my faulty clutch was to accelerate madly.
  • My foot slipped on the accelerator
  • My brakes did not respond as I approached the camera

There are lots of ‘speed traps’ – traps that we set for ourselves by skewing our attitudes towards the way we drive. There are undoubtedly more than I will ever think of myself, excuses, delusions and fantasies, but I’ve listed a few more on the following pages.

The safety slogans should perhaps read: Impact Kills.

What is a safe speed?

Undoubtedly, if you are involved in an accident, the higher your speed the more likely you are to kill or be killed, a controversial road safety campaign carried the message ‘the higher the speed the bigger the mess’. However, it is not the speed that kills you – it’s the sudden reduction of speed or transference of energy on impact that kills.

So, with the information above in mind, maybe the safety slogans should perhaps read: Impact Kills.

So how do we square this idea with a notion of safe speed? Elsewhere on this web site you will find information about the importance of keeping a safe space around your vehicle. This space is determined by the prevailing conditions and must be great enough for the vehicle to stop safely in the event of easily foreseeable or unexpected occurrences.

Given this information we can now argue that: Impact Due To Insufficient Space Kills

Because the space around the vehicle can, for the most part, be controlled by the driver the next logical argument for our slogan is that: Impact, Due To Insufficient Space, Caused By The Actions of The Driver, Kills

OK – it’s getting a bit wordy for a slogan! But ultimately speed and space are the two variables that you can control and that when controlled properly will keep you, and those around you, alive at any speed. At Experience Driving we don’t condone breaking speed limits but there are roads in the UK where 150mph would be safe in certain conditions – the road or the speed does not control safety – the driver controls it.

So, how much space?

You can kill a toddler at speeds as low as a few miles per hour. Whatever your speed you need to anticipate likely happenings and leave enough space to cope. Most accidents happen in built up areas – That is why they have the lowest speed limits: lots of traffic, not much space. In built up areas there are also a lot of soft targets (literally). These ‘targets’ are called pedestrians.

A speed of two or three miles per hour can kill a pedestrian so what do you now understand the term ‘Speed Kills’ to mean?

Perhaps one of the biggest speed traps is that which leads drivers into thinking that they pose no danger when they are driving slowly.

Are you a victim of the ‘Speed Kills’ speed trap?

Speed – The real speed traps!

If the posters are to be believed, ‘Speed Kills’ (or in Welsh ‘Mae cyflymder yn lladd’!). But are they leading us into a false sense of security?

How many people would still be alive to day if the message was ‘Any Speed can Kill’… Because the truth is that you could kill at 2mph as easily as at 90mph if you are inattentive or careless.

And how many people would think twice if the message paced their reality on the road – Speed Thrills, but it also Kills?

Are you a victim of the ‘speed kills’ speed trap?

It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that your speed is safe based simply upon what you can see or because you are driving within the speed limit, but is that enough?

A basic rule of defensive driving certainly tells us to keep within the limits and consider what we can see, but also what we can’t see and what might reasonably be expected to happen.

Raise your awareness now by reading the information above and then start driving at a safe speed – regardless of whether it’s fast or slow.